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CARGOpak is committed to ensuring our clients receive effective hazmat shipping and dangerous goods training to suit their needs. We achieve this goal by offering customized on-site DOT hazardous materials (hazmat) compliance training classes and live instructor-led webinars. Our classes will provide your team with a clear and concise understanding of the relevant US Dept. of Transportation Hazardous Materials regulations.

These private classes can be designed to fit any company's needs. They can also be modified to cover the international dangerous goods regulatory requirements for air (ICAO) through the International Air Transport Association's (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) and ocean (IMO) through the IMDG Code.
Let CARGOpak be your go-to hazmat shipping specialist & dangerous goods consultants. Sometimes the hardest part of hazmat compliance is just knowing where to look. With 30 years of direct hazardous materials expertise, we can assist with all aspects of dangerous goods compliance. Is your staff sufficiently trained in all their varied performance functions and specific modes of transport?
With risk and liabilities being so high, effective quality training is key. We don't present canned "Death by Powerpoint" (you know the kind that go blah, blah, blah) presentations. It's a known fact that hazmat training classes where attendees can interact with a knowledgeable instructor are the most effective.
Provide your employees with the training they need, when they need it, with computer-based training modules. Teaching your team about proper shipping and handling of hazardous materials isn't always a one-time thing. Running refresher courses and training new employees requires having training materials ready to go when you need them.
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